Maria Andrzejewska

General Director of UNEP/GRID-Warsaw, Vice President of the National Environmental Foundation. Expert for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the EU on environmental analysis. Involved in the work on the UNEP Global Environment Outlook 6 report, for which she was awarded 2020 Prose Awards (Association of American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence) in the environmental science category. Awarded three times by the Minister of the Environment for special scientific and research achievements in the protection, shaping and use of the environment and its resources. Initiator of the Partnership for the Implementation of the Environmental Dimension of the SDGs „Together for the Environment” (2016) coordinated by UNEP/GRID-Warsaw. Co-founder – together with Prof. Boleslaw Rok – of the Climate Leadership Program. Member of the Metropolitan Council since 2023. Awards and distinctions: Leader of Sustainable Development – FORBES Women Poland (2021). Awarded the Green Eagle of RZECZPOSPOLITA – honorable mention in the TYTANKA category (2021). Responsible engagement – award together with Prof. Boleslaw Rok, FORBES (2022).


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